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By definition a refresher course is a training course in which people improve their knowledge or skills and learn about new developments that are related to the job that they do.
Sign UpNational workshops are designed to meet the needs of labour officials at all levels within a member country and are planned in close cooperation with the country concerned.
Find out MoreThe African Regional Labour Administration Centre (ARLAC) has a mandate to strengthen the labour administration systems in member countries through training, research, consultancy, advisory services and publications. This mandate is premised on ILO Convention 150 concerning Labour administration (1978), which states that “the competent bodies within the system of labour administration should, participate in the development of comprehensive and concerted policies and programmes of human resources development including vocational guidance and vocational training”. As a product of the ILO, ARLAC conducts capacity building activities for labour and allied ministries as well as employers’ organizations, workers’ organizations and other national and international stakeholders in support of Decent Work and sustainable development.
The African Regional Labour Administration Centre (ARLAC) has a mandate to strengthen the labour administration systems in member countries through training, research, consultancy, advisory services and publications. This mandate is premised on ILO Convention 150 concerning Labour administration (1978), which states that “the competent bodies within the system of labour administration should, participate in the development of comprehensive and concerted policies and programmes of human resources development including vocational guidance and vocational training”. As a product of the ILO, ARLAC conducts capacity building activities for labour and allied ministries as well as employers’ organizations, workers’ organizations and other national and international stakeholders in support of Decent Work and sustainable development.
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